So interesting, I will check that out. We have been talking alot about how to protect our two boys from the girls they'll be exposed to later on, we keep coming back to "never be alone in a room with a girl, ever".
Mary Koss is also the one responsible for the "Violence against Women Act" that explicitly leaves out men and boys from protection against family violence (it replaced a gender neutral law).
Thank you Janice! Exactly, it was quite a shocking read, it makes you realize how little opposition these people encounter both personally and professionally.
"For decades, girls have been encouraged to embrace confidence and self-expression. Now, when boys receive similar encouragement from influencers like Andrew Tate, feminists react with alarm, eager to criminalize normal male behaviour."
It seems to me that the feminist takeover in Australia is now complete. The Federal Government has just signed off on a $23 million grant to treat abused and traumatised boys to protect women and girls. In other words not because they care about the boys.
Australa, Rose Batty's son was killed by her ex-husband. The feminist movement recognised another one of their "sisters" and pushed tge notion that Batty was a victim of domestic abuse.
Then Batty went on to represent girls and women despite that it was her son who was murdered.
I heard her staff had an enormous turnover during her time there.
I've always wondered of in his mentally ill mind that, maybe he was trying to save his son from a life of misery, knowing what he believed she was a loathsome evil person.
I never knew those details. Yet! She got an award !!!! Which is something I’ve never understood (the issuing of Awards, knighthoods etc etc by some authority who take the seat of the Highest and base the issue of Medals based on altruistic thinking) , in society; despite some people deservedly receiving one !
Morbidly it is certainly interesting as to why the father killed the son ….
I enjoyed this article as well. This reminds me of when my now 25 year old son was in 5th grade. His lady teacher emailed that my son had attempted to hit a girl at recess with a rock. I replied to her by asking if she asked my son why he did that. My son’s teacher had not bothered to ask. So I informed her that my son was tired of being kicked by girls at school. This girl he missed with the rock had actually kick my son in the penis, causing him to have blood in his urine.
When I was a young man working in a crew of men (rarely a farm women would drive the tractor or such) physical fighting was rare but valuable, and having worked with masons, carpenters, roofers, and other crews of full-grown working men with varieties of skill-levels, in the summers when 11-13 years-old.
I would very much encourage this for other similar work for later boys & very young men. I was given the best early start and luck; big for my age, liked to work physically & learn skills, and the $30 to $50 a day - back in early-mid 1970's - was good pay, with buying power today of perhaps $200 - $400 a day. They saw I drove myself and had stamina that some of the older men commented that they wished they still had.
Anyway, as a young man were someone was causing problems or disrespect you or another unable to hold-own against him, it was throwdown time. No old women calling 911, no police, no abusive court or other crap. Simple quick fight and then after a short cool-down time back to good working relationship.
And back before insane Fem-Nazis gained power and crushing men and boys testicles, and crippling from crib with self-loathing and Vag-worshipping, destroying confidence and pretending their Vag-Feelie retarded delusional psycho 'thinking' was wisdom and not spewed feces from hell, two men could settle things ..
.. and women did not compete directly with men and so did not fall into that scope of sometimes needing to be made a bleeding mess to remind them.
Oh, you would not hit a women or consider other men hitting a women! Wrong, I knew women that a knife in throat or thrown off building seem best to protect myself and all others that twisted Machine from Hell would harm or destroy, where if allowed to punch them an other men when they get out of line or lie or break promise and unwilling to Satisfy, then throwing them off building or stabbing them in throat not needed, but like those powerful that lie us into wars where countless killed and lives destroyed, being above our laws Calls to God for Death, Death, Death to protect us all.
May this reply find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your son experienced that, Daniel! Sadly, I see so many women who even as adult have no idea how to show a man proper affection. I hope I can encourage common-sense women (there are indeed some) to finally speak up against the witchy ones!
Eeva Sodhi (Vale) wrote an article about Manufacturing Research, for me at the time, it was eye-opening.
Christopher Rapp published an article, Damned Lies and Lenore Weitzman. Weitzman, a sociologist, wrote a book, "The Divorce Revolution", and she claimed following Divorce/Separation, a woman's standard of living fell by 73% and a man's rose by 43%. This influenced property and divorce laws at the time,, even though the research was eventually found to be totally wrong.
After working in basic medical research lab at UVM as a young man for 6-years while finishing my BS degree, and some 6 years again in same lab after similar duration in industry (engineering & manufacturing company) I had a real eye-opener to the Sickness withing and the roll of disease too many women played in it.
We see women researchers lying and making choices that stagger the mind, yet perhaps to her and many that accept insanity and torturing babies to death or sexually mutilating children as acceptable, their choices that support generations of children's lives in ashes seem acceptable, after all are they not in the 'god-class' with baby-murdering powers?
Recently I read of puberty blockers researcher Dr. Olson-Kennedy withholding her 2-year publicly funded paper showing clearly that they are damaging to children, when another [women fraud] study was the standard and pretended that chemical castration of children was good.
When interviewed she admits to withholding [the child saving important] research because she [basically] did not like the results, and with SCOTUS about to review a case related, as well as many other ways her important study would help Western society and so many children, she hid it instead!
Some more background as my reason to not see most women as decent as most men, and since they create a toxic male-hating slimy virtueless work environment, directly or in covering-lying for them, especially when a man is targeted, .. so 6-years of personal hell at UVM research lab informed me, as well as sick women and mother before and since. ..
And besides one man, a feminist and 'political radical', no men seemed as pathological as the women - either vile vicious lying themselves or those forced to be around them, and as I realized years later - but blind-to at time - so many vicious and dishonorable. I had been warned by 2 older women that had worked there before that many women were man-haters and lesbians - for which I was not concerned because every place I worked, studied, socialized, in two State and more locations I got along well, cared and helped others, had loves and Joy in Life .. so these warnings seem unrelavent to me as why would anyone have a problem with me, I thought.
But in my 22ish years of life I never experience deep evil rotted souls as some women around me, that used the female Witch-Whisper-Web to turn a dream job into a nightmare and murdered my Joy.
But that aside except that I ran into many - women - that were clearly meritless hires based on their sex. Few impacted on my work, but those that depended on them .. sad problems and lies to cover, many seemed to be putting in time, and I sensed resentment and hostility towards me and my significance in I was hired from a work-study job there with only 2 years into a 4-year degree, a position created for me, and for which I had to apply for, and the HR department 'lost' may application as likely most white men's application - which I learned much later was unofficial policies in many fields across the West.
This seeming resentment - I am still at a loss to understand delusional psycho women at times, and God knows I had many experiences that hurt me and so evaluated over the years. Did she think that because I was a White man that hard-work & good results came with my testicles? I suppose maybe as most women with power sure wanted me and other men castrated, mentally suffering & crippled, and crawling on belly.
.. the love and study of science from 5th grade, computer programming from 7th, the fine HS education and personal work-ethics shaped from 11 years old working on building sites doing unskilled labor, .. did she think I was not working all those summers and between while she was sucking or sunbathing?
That was later 1980's and 1990's and 3rd wave Feminism was peeking, and women were openly talking in ear-shot of how all men were rapists, violent, oppressive, women-haters,
.. and I suppose that was a ready-made excuse to torment and torture me and others. And given the women-innocent always, when the less slimy 3rd party attacks came and I realized the abuse and who it was, I had not recourse that would not likely leave me unemployed and record of 'problem working with women' haunting me the rest of my life, and how their evil-curse seem to follow me rest of my life with women unknow to me attacking with seeming self-justification, I only can assume such a Mark-of-Cain has been on me.
That hellish chapter of life once perspective and my feminist mind-raped programming from crib, and my self-loathing cleared away, has given me a level of assurity and Judgement it is likely no man should have ..
.. for example, that if God sent a Real pandemic that killed all women at menopause (or older) before they spewed Poison and Hate everywhere for next 40+ years, and was a slap of reality to rest of world, and within 4-6 months Love, Joy, Hope, Sanity, Life and Goodness would start to solidify world-wide.
And when I hear reports of a school or job shooting, I wonder if the man was as confused and abused as I was, and if so - did he kill the right women and managers and others that it Just and good (in that they will never torment to suicide another person with immunity), that as we see with ruling and elite class and womanhood above our laws, and there is no Justice except in Death, Death, Death.
Want to shun me? I have and am for being a White man that expected my had work, may education, my intelligence, and Joy of others and of life to give me an opportunity for a decent full life or Love, Family, Joy, livelihood, .., service in research, and more, ..
.. now I would like WWIII to break-up this Satanic-Hell powers that have us all, for those that survived such, and consider that 3+ Billions killed, and all children not suffering insane Sick womanhood and Gov, and eating daily their poop-filling shared soup pot we all Sicked by.
Could I be less direct? No, every minute we pretend this not a problem, the more Horror we all and our future will suffer. Think of this as an attempt for Loving Correction without the public tasering till screaming and soiling-self most of us need and deserve to start fresh.
May this reply find us all ever closer to God, His Clarity, Discernment, and Peace.
If Australian boys are behaving so disrespectfully one has to ask themself why? It is obvious they are fighting disrespect with disrespect. Are there no adults in the room to counter this feminist hysteria?
What if a naughty male pupil identifies as a girl whilst engaging in overt displays of male supremacy or brazen, remorseless entitlement? Will she be forgiven? And if so, is the forgiveness permanent or can it be revoked if she becomes a he again?
It's a very valid question that the "researcher" should have asked the 30 female teachers, and very possibly herself.
I look forward to the time in the near future where this discourse evolves and arrives at the root source.
I foresee a shift away from taking the feminist bait and being mired in the smoke screen of "studies" and turns towards a discussion on the toxic nature driving all this persecution
Men, young and old, should dismiss completely, all concerns or thoughts of an objectively corrupt "group of people" actively seeking to destroy them.
I am old enough to remember the hysteria over bands like the Beatles, Led Zepplin ect. The fear that they were corrupting and influencing the youth and Yes they did, but the world did not end. The storm over Tate is a tea cup.
The solution to boy's and men's misbehaviour is often radical ostracism. Obviously there are extreme behaviours that require legal action, but the grey area between that and the bear minimum of appropriate conduct is often colonized by the same need to ostracize. I recently made a tiktok about how 50% of men reported fear of social consequences stopping them from approaching women in person. The comment wasn't "more education" it was "they should be removed from the gene pool". The lack of empathy was astounding to me, but is exactly what you speak to here.
Will, although your point has some merit, I consider most 'professional' women and most others as delusional psychos lacking perspective and virtues, and when not [supporting] killing our babies or kicking any men's testicles they are often enjoying the woman's form of pedophilia and mind-raping children to get-off thinking of the life-crippling endless suffering to likely suicide they hope to cause.
Men's misbehavior is not for modern sick insane womanhood to judge, and having older women call 911 on me and other men sitting on a bench and laughing and joking in public - because from across the street she felt 'unsafe' when really she was using police to punish us for being men and not suffering her or some psycho's foot crushing our testicles.
You, Will, or readers come to Burlington Vermont for rubbing elbows with deeply vile male-hating Witches, and after a while you will wonder how many young and younger women did and will those walking piles-of-horror from Hell Poison, or to twist into minions of Satan like she became.
Another feminist called Mary Koss had a survey on "rape culture" and interviewed female students in college.
Her conclusion was that between 25-50% of all female students were raped when drunk.
Her idea of being drunk then raped is having two drinks then having sex.
When the students discovered this they wanted the results changed.
They felt she was treating them like children.
So interesting, I will check that out. We have been talking alot about how to protect our two boys from the girls they'll be exposed to later on, we keep coming back to "never be alone in a room with a girl, ever".
Mary Koss is also the one responsible for the "Violence against Women Act" that explicitly leaves out men and boys from protection against family violence (it replaced a gender neutral law).
Excellent analysis, excellent rebuttal. I love your point about how "backlash" often occurs precisely because rights have been encroached upon.
Your observations about the theory are spot-on.
And yes, imagine that a half-hour interview is considered sufficient for a qualitative analysis!
Thank you Janice! Exactly, it was quite a shocking read, it makes you realize how little opposition these people encounter both personally and professionally.
Loved the Pompeii reference. I had no idea!
"For decades, girls have been encouraged to embrace confidence and self-expression. Now, when boys receive similar encouragement from influencers like Andrew Tate, feminists react with alarm, eager to criminalize normal male behaviour."
Perfectly said!
Thank you Tom! And thank you for bringing this horror show to my attention!
It seems to me that the feminist takeover in Australia is now complete. The Federal Government has just signed off on a $23 million grant to treat abused and traumatised boys to protect women and girls. In other words not because they care about the boys.
Australa, Rose Batty's son was killed by her ex-husband. The feminist movement recognised another one of their "sisters" and pushed tge notion that Batty was a victim of domestic abuse.
Then Batty went on to represent girls and women despite that it was her son who was murdered.
I heard her staff had an enormous turnover during her time there.
I've always wondered of in his mentally ill mind that, maybe he was trying to save his son from a life of misery, knowing what he believed she was a loathsome evil person.
I never knew those details. Yet! She got an award !!!! Which is something I’ve never understood (the issuing of Awards, knighthoods etc etc by some authority who take the seat of the Highest and base the issue of Medals based on altruistic thinking) , in society; despite some people deservedly receiving one !
Morbidly it is certainly interesting as to why the father killed the son ….
Not quite; Carceral Feminists are attempting to change the way trials are conducted in the cases of alleged sexual assault to obtain more convictions.
Because Justice in their eyes is seen not to be done if the alleged perpetrator is found to be innocent.
I enjoyed this article as well. This reminds me of when my now 25 year old son was in 5th grade. His lady teacher emailed that my son had attempted to hit a girl at recess with a rock. I replied to her by asking if she asked my son why he did that. My son’s teacher had not bothered to ask. So I informed her that my son was tired of being kicked by girls at school. This girl he missed with the rock had actually kick my son in the penis, causing him to have blood in his urine.
This is what happens when women view physical fights.
They regard fights as abuse, regardless of whether it's actual abuse or self defence as wrong.
Someone hits you, they are wrong, if you hit back you are equally wrong.
Every male knows if you hit back the chances of your abuser attacking you again are diminished.
When I was a young man working in a crew of men (rarely a farm women would drive the tractor or such) physical fighting was rare but valuable, and having worked with masons, carpenters, roofers, and other crews of full-grown working men with varieties of skill-levels, in the summers when 11-13 years-old.
I would very much encourage this for other similar work for later boys & very young men. I was given the best early start and luck; big for my age, liked to work physically & learn skills, and the $30 to $50 a day - back in early-mid 1970's - was good pay, with buying power today of perhaps $200 - $400 a day. They saw I drove myself and had stamina that some of the older men commented that they wished they still had.
Anyway, as a young man were someone was causing problems or disrespect you or another unable to hold-own against him, it was throwdown time. No old women calling 911, no police, no abusive court or other crap. Simple quick fight and then after a short cool-down time back to good working relationship.
And back before insane Fem-Nazis gained power and crushing men and boys testicles, and crippling from crib with self-loathing and Vag-worshipping, destroying confidence and pretending their Vag-Feelie retarded delusional psycho 'thinking' was wisdom and not spewed feces from hell, two men could settle things ..
.. and women did not compete directly with men and so did not fall into that scope of sometimes needing to be made a bleeding mess to remind them.
Oh, you would not hit a women or consider other men hitting a women! Wrong, I knew women that a knife in throat or thrown off building seem best to protect myself and all others that twisted Machine from Hell would harm or destroy, where if allowed to punch them an other men when they get out of line or lie or break promise and unwilling to Satisfy, then throwing them off building or stabbing them in throat not needed, but like those powerful that lie us into wars where countless killed and lives destroyed, being above our laws Calls to God for Death, Death, Death to protect us all.
May this reply find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.
God Bless., Steve
The short of it is the teacher attempted to excuse the girls behavior as “how girls show affection.”
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your son experienced that, Daniel! Sadly, I see so many women who even as adult have no idea how to show a man proper affection. I hope I can encourage common-sense women (there are indeed some) to finally speak up against the witchy ones!
Great article
It reminds me of one feminist report where they could categorically state that women were more likely to be abuse than men.
They interviewed both men and women to prove this fact.
They left out that the women they interviewed were on DV shelters and the men were in prison.
Eeva Sodhi (Vale) wrote an article about Manufacturing Research, for me at the time, it was eye-opening.
Christopher Rapp published an article, Damned Lies and Lenore Weitzman. Weitzman, a sociologist, wrote a book, "The Divorce Revolution", and she claimed following Divorce/Separation, a woman's standard of living fell by 73% and a man's rose by 43%. This influenced property and divorce laws at the time,, even though the research was eventually found to be totally wrong.
After working in basic medical research lab at UVM as a young man for 6-years while finishing my BS degree, and some 6 years again in same lab after similar duration in industry (engineering & manufacturing company) I had a real eye-opener to the Sickness withing and the roll of disease too many women played in it.
We see women researchers lying and making choices that stagger the mind, yet perhaps to her and many that accept insanity and torturing babies to death or sexually mutilating children as acceptable, their choices that support generations of children's lives in ashes seem acceptable, after all are they not in the 'god-class' with baby-murdering powers?
Recently I read of puberty blockers researcher Dr. Olson-Kennedy withholding her 2-year publicly funded paper showing clearly that they are damaging to children, when another [women fraud] study was the standard and pretended that chemical castration of children was good.
When interviewed she admits to withholding [the child saving important] research because she [basically] did not like the results, and with SCOTUS about to review a case related, as well as many other ways her important study would help Western society and so many children, she hid it instead!
Here is an article in NYT about this:
Some more background as my reason to not see most women as decent as most men, and since they create a toxic male-hating slimy virtueless work environment, directly or in covering-lying for them, especially when a man is targeted, .. so 6-years of personal hell at UVM research lab informed me, as well as sick women and mother before and since. ..
And besides one man, a feminist and 'political radical', no men seemed as pathological as the women - either vile vicious lying themselves or those forced to be around them, and as I realized years later - but blind-to at time - so many vicious and dishonorable. I had been warned by 2 older women that had worked there before that many women were man-haters and lesbians - for which I was not concerned because every place I worked, studied, socialized, in two State and more locations I got along well, cared and helped others, had loves and Joy in Life .. so these warnings seem unrelavent to me as why would anyone have a problem with me, I thought.
But in my 22ish years of life I never experience deep evil rotted souls as some women around me, that used the female Witch-Whisper-Web to turn a dream job into a nightmare and murdered my Joy.
But that aside except that I ran into many - women - that were clearly meritless hires based on their sex. Few impacted on my work, but those that depended on them .. sad problems and lies to cover, many seemed to be putting in time, and I sensed resentment and hostility towards me and my significance in I was hired from a work-study job there with only 2 years into a 4-year degree, a position created for me, and for which I had to apply for, and the HR department 'lost' may application as likely most white men's application - which I learned much later was unofficial policies in many fields across the West.
This seeming resentment - I am still at a loss to understand delusional psycho women at times, and God knows I had many experiences that hurt me and so evaluated over the years. Did she think that because I was a White man that hard-work & good results came with my testicles? I suppose maybe as most women with power sure wanted me and other men castrated, mentally suffering & crippled, and crawling on belly.
.. the love and study of science from 5th grade, computer programming from 7th, the fine HS education and personal work-ethics shaped from 11 years old working on building sites doing unskilled labor, .. did she think I was not working all those summers and between while she was sucking or sunbathing?
That was later 1980's and 1990's and 3rd wave Feminism was peeking, and women were openly talking in ear-shot of how all men were rapists, violent, oppressive, women-haters,
.. and I suppose that was a ready-made excuse to torment and torture me and others. And given the women-innocent always, when the less slimy 3rd party attacks came and I realized the abuse and who it was, I had not recourse that would not likely leave me unemployed and record of 'problem working with women' haunting me the rest of my life, and how their evil-curse seem to follow me rest of my life with women unknow to me attacking with seeming self-justification, I only can assume such a Mark-of-Cain has been on me.
That hellish chapter of life once perspective and my feminist mind-raped programming from crib, and my self-loathing cleared away, has given me a level of assurity and Judgement it is likely no man should have ..
.. for example, that if God sent a Real pandemic that killed all women at menopause (or older) before they spewed Poison and Hate everywhere for next 40+ years, and was a slap of reality to rest of world, and within 4-6 months Love, Joy, Hope, Sanity, Life and Goodness would start to solidify world-wide.
And when I hear reports of a school or job shooting, I wonder if the man was as confused and abused as I was, and if so - did he kill the right women and managers and others that it Just and good (in that they will never torment to suicide another person with immunity), that as we see with ruling and elite class and womanhood above our laws, and there is no Justice except in Death, Death, Death.
Want to shun me? I have and am for being a White man that expected my had work, may education, my intelligence, and Joy of others and of life to give me an opportunity for a decent full life or Love, Family, Joy, livelihood, .., service in research, and more, ..
.. now I would like WWIII to break-up this Satanic-Hell powers that have us all, for those that survived such, and consider that 3+ Billions killed, and all children not suffering insane Sick womanhood and Gov, and eating daily their poop-filling shared soup pot we all Sicked by.
Could I be less direct? No, every minute we pretend this not a problem, the more Horror we all and our future will suffer. Think of this as an attempt for Loving Correction without the public tasering till screaming and soiling-self most of us need and deserve to start fresh.
May this reply find us all ever closer to God, His Clarity, Discernment, and Peace.
God Bless., Steve
Very cogent analysis, and I think you skewered the feminist fears.
Shouldn't be teaching gender ideology at all.
If Australian boys are behaving so disrespectfully one has to ask themself why? It is obvious they are fighting disrespect with disrespect. Are there no adults in the room to counter this feminist hysteria?
What if a naughty male pupil identifies as a girl whilst engaging in overt displays of male supremacy or brazen, remorseless entitlement? Will she be forgiven? And if so, is the forgiveness permanent or can it be revoked if she becomes a he again?
It's a very valid question that the "researcher" should have asked the 30 female teachers, and very possibly herself.
"Vindictive urge"
"unforgiving nature"
"criminalization of normal behavior"
I look forward to the time in the near future where this discourse evolves and arrives at the root source.
I foresee a shift away from taking the feminist bait and being mired in the smoke screen of "studies" and turns towards a discussion on the toxic nature driving all this persecution
Men, young and old, should dismiss completely, all concerns or thoughts of an objectively corrupt "group of people" actively seeking to destroy them.
Shouldn't be teaching gender ideology at all.
Wow, great article
Thank you Phillip!
I am old enough to remember the hysteria over bands like the Beatles, Led Zepplin ect. The fear that they were corrupting and influencing the youth and Yes they did, but the world did not end. The storm over Tate is a tea cup.
The solution to boy's and men's misbehaviour is often radical ostracism. Obviously there are extreme behaviours that require legal action, but the grey area between that and the bear minimum of appropriate conduct is often colonized by the same need to ostracize. I recently made a tiktok about how 50% of men reported fear of social consequences stopping them from approaching women in person. The comment wasn't "more education" it was "they should be removed from the gene pool". The lack of empathy was astounding to me, but is exactly what you speak to here.
Will, although your point has some merit, I consider most 'professional' women and most others as delusional psychos lacking perspective and virtues, and when not [supporting] killing our babies or kicking any men's testicles they are often enjoying the woman's form of pedophilia and mind-raping children to get-off thinking of the life-crippling endless suffering to likely suicide they hope to cause.
Men's misbehavior is not for modern sick insane womanhood to judge, and having older women call 911 on me and other men sitting on a bench and laughing and joking in public - because from across the street she felt 'unsafe' when really she was using police to punish us for being men and not suffering her or some psycho's foot crushing our testicles.
You, Will, or readers come to Burlington Vermont for rubbing elbows with deeply vile male-hating Witches, and after a while you will wonder how many young and younger women did and will those walking piles-of-horror from Hell Poison, or to twist into minions of Satan like she became.
God Bless., Steve