Another feminist called Mary Koss had a survey on "rape culture" and interviewed female students in college.

Her conclusion was that between 25-50% of all female students were raped when drunk.

Her idea of being drunk then raped is having two drinks then having sex.

When the students discovered this they wanted the results changed.

They felt she was treating them like children.

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So interesting, I will check that out. We have been talking alot about how to protect our two boys from the girls they'll be exposed to later on, we keep coming back to "never be alone in a room with a girl, ever".

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Mary Koss is also the one responsible for the "Violence against Women Act" that explicitly leaves out men and boys from protection against family violence (it replaced a gender neutral law).

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Excellent analysis, excellent rebuttal. I love your point about how "backlash" often occurs precisely because rights have been encroached upon.

Your observations about the theory are spot-on.

And yes, imagine that a half-hour interview is considered sufficient for a qualitative analysis!

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Thank you Janice! Exactly, it was quite a shocking read, it makes you realize how little opposition these people encounter both personally and professionally.

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Sep 30Liked by Hannah Spier, MD

Loved the Pompeii reference. I had no idea!

"For decades, girls have been encouraged to embrace confidence and self-expression. Now, when boys receive similar encouragement from influencers like Andrew Tate, feminists react with alarm, eager to criminalize normal male behaviour."

Perfectly said!

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Thank you Tom! And thank you for bringing this horror show to my attention!

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Sep 30Liked by Hannah Spier, MD

It seems to me that the feminist takeover in Australia is now complete. The Federal Government has just signed off on a $23 million grant to treat abused and traumatised boys to protect women and girls. In other words not because they care about the boys.

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Oct 1Liked by Hannah Spier, MD

Australa, Rose Batty's son was killed by her ex-husband. The feminist movement recognised another one of their "sisters" and pushed tge notion that Batty was a victim of domestic abuse.

Then Batty went on to represent girls and women despite that it was her son who was murdered.

I heard her staff had an enormous turnover during her time there.

I've always wondered of in his mentally ill mind that, maybe he was trying to save his son from a life of misery, knowing what he believed she was a loathsome evil person.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

I never knew those details. Yet! She got an award !!!! Which is something I’ve never understood (the issuing of Awards, knighthoods etc etc by some authority who take the seat of the Highest and base the issue of Medals based on altruistic thinking) , in society; despite some people deservedly receiving one !

Morbidly it is certainly interesting as to why the father killed the son ….

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Not quite; Carceral Feminists are attempting to change the way trials are conducted in the cases of alleged sexual assault to obtain more convictions.

Because Justice in their eyes is seen not to be done if the alleged perpetrator is found to be innocent.

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Great article

It reminds me of one feminist report where they could categorically state that women were more likely to be abuse than men.

They interviewed both men and women to prove this fact.

They left out that the women they interviewed were on DV shelters and the men were in prison.

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Eeva Sodhi (Vale) wrote an article about Manufacturing Research, for me at the time, it was eye-opening.

Christopher Rapp published an article, Damned Lies and Lenore Weitzman. Weitzman, a sociologist, wrote a book, "The Divorce Revolution", and she claimed following Divorce/Separation, a woman's standard of living fell by 73% and a man's rose by 43%. This influenced property and divorce laws at the time,, even though the research was eventually found to be totally wrong.

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I enjoyed this article as well. This reminds me of when my now 25 year old son was in 5th grade. His lady teacher emailed that my son had attempted to hit a girl at recess with a rock. I replied to her by asking if she asked my son why he did that. My son’s teacher had not bothered to ask. So I informed her that my son was tired of being kicked by girls at school. This girl he missed with the rock had actually kick my son in the penis, causing him to have blood in his urine.

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This is what happens when women view physical fights.

They regard fights as abuse, regardless of whether it's actual abuse or self defence as wrong.

Someone hits you, they are wrong, if you hit back you are equally wrong.

Every male knows if you hit back the chances of your abuser attacking you again are diminished.

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The short of it is the teacher attempted to excuse the girls behavior as “how girls show affection.”

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your son experienced that, Daniel! Sadly, I see so many women who even as adult have no idea how to show a man proper affection. I hope I can encourage common-sense women (there are indeed some) to finally speak up against the witchy ones!

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Very cogent analysis, and I think you skewered the feminist fears.

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Oct 3Liked by Hannah Spier, MD

Shouldn't be teaching gender ideology at all.

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If Australian boys are behaving so disrespectfully one has to ask themself why? It is obvious they are fighting disrespect with disrespect. Are there no adults in the room to counter this feminist hysteria?

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Shouldn't be teaching gender ideology at all.

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Wow, great article

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Thank you Phillip!

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Oct 1Liked by Hannah Spier, MD

I am old enough to remember the hysteria over bands like the Beatles, Led Zepplin ect. The fear that they were corrupting and influencing the youth and Yes they did, but the world did not end. The storm over Tate is a tea cup.

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