"Psychobabble is the means by which people talk about themselves without revealing anything, and certainly without having undergone the painful process of genuine self-examination. It is, in effect the public manifestation of self-obsession without any commitment to truth." - Theodore Dalrymple

I'm committed to shedding light on the clash between liberal narratives and conservative values within the psychological and psychiatric landscape. In particular, the monopoly the left seems to have on the word "compassion". I come from Norway where I also did some of my psychiatric residency and give concrete examples of how liberal policies do more harm than good. My goal is to show how an approach to mental health following conservative principles is true compassion.

With more people going to therapy than church and 93% of psychotherapists self-identifying as liberal, there's a pressing need to discuss how this effects the burden of psychiatric disorders. Drawing from years of professional experience and what I witnessed happening on the inside, I will offer valuable perspectives to consider if you are yourself, or have kids in therapy.

I am a fully qualified medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, one of the few openly conservative in that field. My distinctive perspective, shaped by a personal journey from modern career woman to a conservative stay-at-home mom offers a truly unique approach to the issues at hand.

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Psychobabble, the hybrid podcast and writings of Dr. Hannah Spier, exposes flawed psychology and the therapists behind cultural trends damaging mental health.


The Antifeminist Psychiatrist. Exposing bad therapy and the liberal narratives that contribute to our poor mental health.