
Graham Linehan On The Current Comedy Landscape And The Impact of Cancel Culture

The Funniest Man You're Not Allowed To Hear From

You are going to enjoy this, I certainly did. In this episode of Psychobabble we delve into the intricate world of comedy, taboo topics, and censorship with Graham Linehan, renowned comedy writer and creator of iconic sitcoms like Father Ted and The IT Crowd. Graham's journey into controversy began around five years ago when he engaged in debates on Twitter concerning transgender activism, advocating for women's spaces and the protection of vulnerable children. Since then, he has faced severe backlash, including being "cancelled" and ostracized from the industry he once thrived in. Despite this, Graham remains steadfast in his beliefs, shedding light on the dark realities of censorship and public scrutiny. Throughout the episode, we explore the space between psychotherapy and comedy.

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